Originally Posted by RainyEyes
Not sure what you mean... if there are nodes that are overloaded/responding slowly it delays the response from the server.
This usually happens during peak hours when lots of people are "in the same area all watching netflix at the same time" according to a Rogers representative when once asked why they were getting 500 ping between the hours of 6pm to 10 pm.
The server seems to be responding fine but the path leading up to the server is jittery.
Correct me if I'm wrong, I didn't go to an IT school or anything.
Its possible, but to prove it you'd have to log your traceroute for a while and correlate the results with actual slow downs from the site. Server problems are a lot more likely. The only thing we can time as users are searches, when doing a search the processing time is displayed in the upper right part of the search results box. That is probably a good indicator of problems, is that number goes up a lot and gets in the multi-seconds, then we know for sure that there's a problem with the server, if its always low, well, it tells us that the DB search part of the site is working well.