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Old January 15th, 2017, 02:17   #8
Join Date: Feb 2013
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
The model number is WE-E008

Like I said, the markings changed a few times but its always been the same gun and model number.

The one you have was the original version and WE probably got hit with a cease and desist from SA shortly after it hit the market because it was hard to find even after it immediately came out. Its very rare, and I think there may have only been one single run of it produced. I got mine in ~2008-2009. The subsequent versions had the USMC markings and EGA logo on the grip medallion, and later it was just blank when WE started doing that with its other guns.

I can tell you that even at that time, the shops carrying it where rare (WE was still relatively new) and most updated images to reflect the markings on the new batch shortly after. From hunting one down for import in those days, I remember only 4-5 shops ever carrying it.
Wow you really got me excited for the 1911, didn't know it was that unique especially since i got it for so cheap. Now i really need to do a good job on the restore, I wish the color was still stock, but i heard the WE had bad paint finishes so maybe the previous owner may have sanded it silver when i started looking bad.

Anyways i have to find a good Slide lock replacement and also upon inspecting i found that i'm missing 1 piece in the internal, i'm not sure if its a 100% necessary piece (in the image below). i am missing the rectangle piece in the bottom right (not my pic). I don't know what the piece is called or if its a essential piece but it must have some purpose right?

Current issues with the 1911
-It seems to fire in full auto after 1 trigger pull, i am not 100% sure why, could have something to so with the leaf spring

-The gun some times fires if you hold the grip safety in, so it is essentially acting as a trigger. i think it maybe due to the hammer not being 100% aligned with the middle leaf spring, or the leaf spring may need tome bending for adjustment.

-The mag don't seem to be filling fully. When i put gas in them they only sore like 10 shots worth.... idk if its because the mag is really old and the seal is somehow stopping it from filling to full...

-the slide gets stuck back because of the plastic feeder piece. Kind like the problem this guy is having I have put back the stock short barrel but same problem, I'm thinking it may be because of that missing piece pictured above. (below are some pictures of this issue). The only way to fix it is to pull the slide back than push the tan plastic feeder thing back and it goes back forward to normal position.

Stock Barrel

Last edited by BulletPROZ; January 15th, 2017 at 02:21..
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