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Old January 9th, 2017, 01:34   #1
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Saskatoon, sk
We 1911 slide completely locks up and is very hard to move.

Alright well, shortly after talking about how my we was working great, it figures that I started having issues, sigh.

Note that this gun is brand new, and the only use it had before I've fired less than 300-400 rounds or so was it being tested and an extended barrel/suppressor being added by Division XP

Sometimes when firing, the slide locks up just before it meets the notch for taking out the slide, in this position, with the gas nozzle stuck forward. If I push the gas nozzleback gently it snaps back into place fairly easily.

When this happens, the slide requires a lot of effort to move forward or back, I'm going forward as it's on the return that it locks up and I figure that direction is the least likely to damage something.

It was doing it as much as every single time, I took it apart a couple times to see if I could notice any issues, or see if something needed some lube, and it improved for a bit but then started to act up again.

Now, I can slowly move the slide by hand and when it reaches this notch, if I use a pair of tweezers or something to press the hammer down more, it slams forward.

Here are pictures of the hammer position when it's caught in this situation.

When I reach this spot sliding the slide by hand I also notice that it gets a little stiff, and has been getting more noticeable when I pull the slide back too, though it's a bit off and on.

If I hold it down with the tweezers, this is gone and the slide moves extremely smoothly, this little rough spot is nonexistent.

I've read that the hammer can be catching on part of the blowback unit, however, when the slide catches on a shot, moving the hammer down more does absolutely nothing, the slide is just stuck solid, and I'm not entirely sure what it's catching on.

I've taken the grip off to observe the sears spring while moving the hammer as I heard that can cause issues, but when move the hammer down more the spring doesn't really do anything, and if I position the slide so that it's caught by hand, and gently poked at the hammer spring arm, it does not make it release.

I'm at my wits end here, I've sent a bunch of messages to Division XP over facebook during the troubleshooting process as well as these pictures but they aren't going to respond until tomorrow, I'm hoping to get some feedback from you guys.

I also saw a video whee the o-ring in the blow back unit cracks/gets a chip in it and the guy flips it to fix the nozzle issue, but this gun is brand new, has relatively few shots for it (less than 300-400), only using green gas, and keeping it will lubricated with silicone oil. (made sure to get pure stuff, and I've wiped and cleaned the rail areas maybe 5 or 6 times over the course of the past couple days using this gun to keep the paint that's wearing off at this point from causing issues).

I did also notice that the outer barrel and hop up unit is difficult to pull out of the front of the gun, needing a moderate amount of force, and I did see a line but then I realized that this really can't be causing that issue, and wiggling the outer barrel when jammed does nothing.

I'm hoping maybe someone who has experienced this can chime in, and I'll update when Division XP gets back to me, I really hope I don't have to send this back to them, especially since I am pretty sure I won't be able to afford shipping.

edit: when it jams the gas does not all vent, and the magazine release works perfectly fine, in case that's important at all.

Last edited by XOIIO; January 9th, 2017 at 01:36..
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