Originally Posted by Drake
If you're going to shoot at an angle, fill much less gas in your mag. if you're getting 3 mags out of a fill you can afford to fill it a lot less.
With less liquid in the mag, even at a 70-80 degree angle there's less chance it'll reach the valve since it will pool at the bottom end of the angle.
Yeah, this round I tried I only got a couple mags work, then it ran out on the first shot of the first one, once I have more than one mag a single mags worth is plenty, but for now being able to load in more bbs and pick off right away is nice.
I don't know what we have for airsoft here, I know that they do rent guns, or at least one guy does but if I had the scratch I'd love to get three or four spare magazines and use my pistol as my primary, I'd like to get a gas blowback scar h but that's going to be a good 480 bucks lol.
I need to get age verified by our local guy, probably need to meet with him to get into the facebook group too, so not sure if there even is a cqb arena here.
I'd also need to get some gear as well, and see if dark bb's will work in my chrono or not, need to see if I can grab a handfull off someone locally when I get in that facebook group as the extended barrel might be too much for cqb.
Bleh, lots of plans, and not lots of money to do them with, that's my usual situation lol. Maybe there are some second hand we magazines in the classifieds that would be worth a shot.