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Old January 4th, 2017, 20:39   #44
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Nowhere near you, B.C.
rather than start a new thread i thought i would just shift gears over here....
i boutght the TM M870 NEW w/6spare shells and an extrat gas tank (incase the stock one was a lemon...well just my luck the lemon i got was the spare....but it was more odf a lime haha....i did the 3M nut and bolt replacement on the leaking tank and now it is better than ever....

so my question is apout the duster people get results withthat junk? i lost 50-100 ft of range goin from greengas to 134a.....the 100 ft is already too short lol so basically i HAVE to use green unless i wanna make it shoot like a toy for a 10 yr old....i guess ill just use green gas if i want it to shoot over 150 w/ effective range of 100...that im ok with (assuming my TM 5.1 is accurate at 150yj4mm, Not happy but its a shotty so its fine....
However i am told that the m870 tatical cant handele that a gun, gastank, or both? i dont like using shitty propane in my tm 5.1 just cause its a TM, haha so i wanna the the best hpa for my blast WITHOUT PUTTING THE IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE TO THE SHOTGuN and its internals which are mostly non-existent in the the parts after market

I love the shotty but more rang is always better, but there...efctively i want targets 175-250 ft killed with my AEG; 8o-175ft marks killed by the tm 5.1, & any one closer than 80 ftwill get blasted on with the m870,,,,,,,any suggestions?

Last edited by mikebarkski; January 4th, 2017 at 22:28..
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