We get threads like this once every so often. So if theres a bit of bluntness to the replies here, its due to habit.
Converting something from 4.5 to 6mm is a completely different ballgame than you may think, and unless you have access to milling and lathing equipment the endeavour won't be as simple as taking a dremel and hacksaw to it.
There are guns out there that are 'conversions' from 4.5mm to 6mm, such as the wingun revolvers and gletcher guns. But you have to understand these conversions are done at the manufacturing level. And if you make a mistake altering your gun, it can quickly go from being a nice 4.5mm bb gun to a not so nice paperweight.
The best advice anyone can give you right now is to take your time, save your money and buy something after a bit of research if you're looking for a good airsoft pistol. The information is abundant here.
Last edited by Strelok; December 15th, 2016 at 15:38..