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Old December 15th, 2016, 04:51   #4
RainyEyes's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Scarbororororough
Originally Posted by Mihajlo View Post
Lol they didn't really help me much. None of my questions were answered and instead I was met with a "The FPS will be too high you'll hurt someone!" (which is bs because a 4.5mm steel bb weighs as much as .3g bbs) and "why don't you buy a new airsoft pistol?" which should be obvious, because a new barrel and a few mags are much cheaper than $200+ for a decent pistol.
No they answered it sufficiently... Try a m92 barrel and spend your next few months milling and dremeled slide and frame to accept the new barrel and then see if the propane/greengas mag will fit in the lower frame.

The potential amount of labour and parts aren't worth the benefits like the other forum members said.

Try borrowing or buying a variety of gbbp mags and see which will fit/feed. After that good luck finding a field that will let you play with a propane pistol at 450 fps is the math is correct.

The standard is .2g bb for chronoing at fields. Heavier bb = lower fps. You need to do a readup on this stuff because your argument isn't congruent with that's being discussed both here and in the other forums.

Last edited by RainyEyes; December 15th, 2016 at 04:54..
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