let me add something here in the interest of saving money for you tech noobs.
If you THINK you can fix it yourself and have never opened an aeg before, have a weird proprietary gearbox, or have two left feet for hands with big toes as all 10 digits.
You risk losing parts.
You risk breaking perfectly good parts.
You will waste money buying the WRONG parts thinking you know something you don't.
After totally fucking up your AEG please for the love of fucking god, don't bring it to a tech in a fucking plastic baggie.
We will charge you more.
You will be charged for missing screws, springs, adjusters, shims, broken pinion parts from attempted reassembly, and time it takes to find out how the fuck to put your gun back together especially if it's a proprietary one of a kind gun with a pain in the ass proprietary gearbox with no replacement parts available on the market.
Save your money and bring it to a tech to have it done right the first time.
end of rant.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.