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Old November 27th, 2016, 03:57   #56
Join Date: Dec 2013
Originally Posted by shelcoof View Post
Okay yhaa I get what your saying. Very nice description of the recoil. I really want to try it out and see for my self lol.

I just realized why I like the ERG so much. You get some sort of feedback letting you know you fired off at least one bullet.

I'm particularly picky with my GBB Pistols. I love pistols that kick nice and hard its so satisfying. I've gotten rid of several pistols in my collection that had very weak kick. KSC G17 I'm looking at you!

Question you ever compared 7v and 11v batteries?

I find with the 7v batteries the recoil is a bit heavier due to the slower ROF.
11v I find too quick and vibrates a lot more.

Is that the stock rails that come with the new ERG?

Edit: Took a closer look looks like a madbull DD rail?
I have the OMEGA Rail on my G&P Magpul M4
You got that right, 7.4V does make you feel the recoil more, but not very practical in combat. I usually go with 11.1v 15C. I'd go with 9.6 Nimh for the best result but it's kinda out of date.

The same reason I love ERG so much for its bolt stop function! It adds the realism and fun (or should I say pleasant pressure?) Don't forget to hit the bolt release after changing the mag! I still forgot to do it sometimes and just pulled the trigger with no response, then the f word coming from my mouth...

Strangely, this awkward moment never happened when I was using GBBRs, I guess that's because the last shot emptied by GBBR actually sounds and feels different, and that's the cue for me to change mags, and rock the bolt right back to where it belongs. Getting familiar to different systems or platforms is also part of the game I enjoy (well, sometimes).

And yes, that is DD rail by madbull, good eyes!

Last edited by porch20000; November 27th, 2016 at 04:19.. Reason: Comments added!
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