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Old November 17th, 2016, 22:56   #1
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Petawawa
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Dboys 416 w/Dboys gearbox, Compression issues?

I am stumped on this one. I have checked compression with the piston, cylinder and cylinder head, and nozzle together, and I get a LOT of resistance putting the piston all the way in.
Piston stops moving almost immediately. So I assume, I am getting great compression.
I have o-rings in front of the hopup, so it can seat itself better against the gearbox.
Once everything is assembled, and test fired, BBs only fly 20 feet.
Heres what I am using:
SHS nozzle with oring
SHS one piece cylinder/cylinder head
Modify aluminum piston head w/ new Oring
Modify hopup, with modify flathop bucking
Stock barrell
Also, have a delayer chip installed on the gears.
I'm starting to suspect I may need a new cylinder and cylinder head,
as the nozzle does not slide freely on the cylinder head. there's some resistance.
Maybe even a new tappet plate?
Maybe the parts all just don't mesh well with the dboys body, somethings out of alignment?
Infantryman, AKA: Chief

Last edited by Infantryman; November 17th, 2016 at 23:05..
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