I think one of the main reasons for the disparity is the geographic locations of the various participants in this and other NV-related threads.
Southern Ontario has lately been in a sort of NV frenzy with equating to what feels like an arms race. Local buyers demand Gen3, gated units with no real understanding of what exactly they're buying - they only know that they must get it because "this guy has it so I have to get it too, or something better". I anticipate that we'll be seeing a lot of NV on the field in 2017 where Gen2 will no longer be competitive. The very definition of mid/high-end is constantly being redefined in the GTA. In 2016, thinfilm/filmless green tubes were the high mark, but now with white phosphor floating around, that has become the new high mark.
On the other hand, in Alberta and BC, I can see Gen2 still being quite usable as the handful of Gen3 units in use is still relatively small. Thus the requirements are lower.
The biggest underlying issue currently is prospective buyers' understanding of rudimentary foreign currency exchange and scarcity of supply relative to the quality they see (eg: "I want an autogated, OMNI7-equivalent PVS14 for under $3k") That having been said, if someone is looking for units to run in 2017, I highly suggest visiting the Classifieds right now as there are several very good units up for grabs. If the USD/CAD rate stays high, I don't anticipate being able to reproduce these prices come springtime.
The Steve has spoken.
Last edited by EOD Steve; November 15th, 2016 at 13:39..