You're going to need 30 FPS minimum. 9 FPS is just painful. TP units are useless. Absolutely useless. Don't expect a thermal optic to actually be useful unless you spend 4k+.
I'm no expert with thermals, but I was considering getting a high end civilian thermal weapon sight. Armasight, Pulsar, that sort of thing. They seem to be more than enough for airsoft purposes. They are about 5k.
I obtained an AN/PAS-23 and I machined a spare Aimpoint CompM4 mount to use it as a weapon sight. Not ideal due to the eye relief, but it should be more than acceptable for airsoft purposes.
Lens protection options are limited. Germanium sac lenses cost several hundred dollars and are one shot wonders. There are some types of mesh and killflashes that will work, but they cause image distortion with their own thermal radiation.