if you looking to augment an existing system like say gen 2 night vision and you just want to know if that stump like thing is in fact a stump or a person then it would be an alright optic, because you would be able to tell if there is heat or not, but beyond that these low quality thermals like the scout and the torry pines have such poor resolution any heat that is beyond 20ft is going to be one blob.
optic in the following video is the torry pines T10-S and if you skip to 4:06 in the video you can see as he steps away from the camera just how short your recognition range is. at 20ft you can barley tell he is a person.
the scout is a bit better then torry pines but not by much so what you see in the torry pines video is similar to what you should expect, also keep in mind the torry pines does offer mounting options unlike the scout, so sacrafice a bit of imaging power for deployability.
Finally keep in mind your going to have to protect your thermal somehow and unlike night vision regular lexan shields will completely disrupt the ability of your optic to function so youll need to have a germanium lens custom made specificly for your optic so be prepared for another 50+$ insurance cost. On a side note I remember being told that the torry pines sensor was only 7mm in diameter and that if i put a peice of lexan with a>5mm but <6mm hole drilled in it it wouldnt disrupt the function to badly, not sure what the sensor size is on the scout.