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Old October 12th, 2016, 19:04   #1
Join Date: Dec 2015
Flir thermal ls-xr palettes

Hi guys

Anyone know if the Iron (Graded Fire) pallette that the FLIR Scout III uses can be installed on the FLIR LS-XR?

The Scout III manual says to use the ScoutIII/LS-XR EU Tool to adjust palettes, but I can't find that Tool anywhere on the FLIR sites...maybe not out yet or I can't find it...

But I called their customer support, and was told the Scout III End User Updater Tool may or may not work for this....and this support person said it may brick the unit...voiding the warranty.

Interestingly last week I was told by another Flir call-in help rep to use the Scout II EU Tool to change and add a InstaAlert palette on a different Flir unit...a Marine camera..and it worked .

I get different answers and the FLIR Scout III manual refers to a Scout III/LS-XR EU Tool that doesn't seem to be available.

...hopin to find someone who walked down this road already...THX
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