Syndakit, have you tried .3's in that rifle? If you're firing 400-ish fps with 28's that can actually cause things to fly off course a bit. If the gun has a modified hop like that it may really benefit from heavier ammo. I just finished putting an r hop into my M14 and now it's relegated to .36's minimum. It'll handle a lighter BB, but not accurately and they just want to fly off into space. When I load in the 36's, it's all business. My M14 is firing 413fps and it's the stock G&G 6.04 barrel.
Usually I try for about 375-390 fps in my guns as it seems they handle a .30 better (and 30's are much easier to find and cheaper than 36's!). I did up the M14 so I could snipe in semi auto...hehehe.
Oh for the sake of the thread's original question, my lower fps guns (375-390) are 250ft.+ with .30's, and the M14 is 300ft. with .36's, and the bolt gun is classified.