You want light synthetic grease on the slides because silicone runs off and needs to be re-applied frequently. That silicone spray is extremely light weight, and so applied to the slide it won't really lubricate anything at all. It will just make your pistol all oily and a pain to clean.
MAPP is just a slightly higher pressure, more temperature stable gas that can be used in airsoft guns. Good to use in -5 to 5 degrees, where propane loses most of it's performance. If you use it in cold weather, be sure to vent the mags before storing them. If you fill them up cold then move them into warm storage, they'll bow out the mags and cause them to leak.
Green gas IS propane with silicone added to it for 5-10x the cost.
So if you're already using green gas, there's no reason at all to be using silicone in the gas system.
Buy an AI propane adapter for $15, go buy a 3pack of coleman propane for $18, and that will be equivalent to about 6-9 cans of green gas. And also much safer since the canisters have blowoff valves. If you leave a full can of green gas in the sun in your car, it can potentially blow up.
If you're worried about the silicone, just go buy a $7 100% silicone can from Canadian Tire.
But like I said before, IF your silicone eats through all the terrible rubber Orings, you can just get superior high quality Orings that won't be eaten by it and you'll probably gain 10fps as well.
Last edited by ThunderCactus; August 22nd, 2016 at 14:38..