After spending about 2 grand at i am now warning all other consumers that only some of their "new stuff" is actually "new"....and once you've opened it and discover that it is broken, then you cant return it anymore cause you opened it....FML!!!
anyone know where i can order KWC airsoft UZI co2 mags??? THAT DONT LEAK Co2!!! (2/5 of mine leak, and they are already shitty on gas, 40 rnd per tank on semi, even less on i want a half dozen mags!! that dont leak, haha) but the of the 4 spares i have 2 were broken right out of the package....and i have bought 6 different aegs from them (Dont tell my wife that, lol) and one simply never worked so yea i believe that they repack alot of used products..but u can get some deals there tho...but now i will be shopping at toronto airsoft and/or possibly anyone shop there b4?