Get a modern, light-weight and flexible style of boot with at least a 6" ankle support. Combat, mountain or jungle boots are best. Don't bother with steel toes as they add unnecessary weight, so work boots are out, also ultra weather proof boots aren't usually great as your foot won't dry and/or breathe, so unless you're wearing them as a weather specific boot for a certain day it is better to avoid them. Most modern combat boots are as light, or nearly as light as running shoes. I myself have been wearing Oakley SI boots for years and love them, they are quiet as hell and grip to almost anything. Many sports companies make combat style boots, such as Nike and Underarmor. Some companies specialize in combats, such as Bates, Magnum, Lowa, etc. Outdoor style companies like Merril or Solomon have good boot variants as well. Personally I own two pairs of 8" combats in case one set gets wet.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
Last edited by Ricochet; August 11th, 2016 at 18:06..