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Old August 10th, 2016, 13:32   #1
Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: St. Catharines, ON
Noob footwear question

Hey guys,

So im brand new and looking to get my first set of gear soon. I've heard a lot of talk about boots. Ill be completely honest, at first I thought that was kind of dumb because I have never rolled my ankles before despite many many opportunities (im quite flexible) and figured the military style would run like ski boots. I was going to just go with a good quality pair of running shoes for sake of speed.

After seeing tons of input on the reason for boots as well as the sometimes muddy conditions at my local field (going sunday for the first time) Ive realized that my running shoes would be an all around bad idea, and a good pair of boots would be far superior. not to mention off white running shoes would probably make me look like a tool while in otherwise normal airsoft gear haha

anyway after that wall of text, I mean to ask what you guys recommend boot wise? I like to have speed and flexibility as well as a tight hold (I love my hockey skates extremely tight), but I want to keep dry as well. Something no more than $200 CAD would be preferred.

Any help/opinion is appreciated, thanks!

Last edited by RickGrimesWho; August 10th, 2016 at 13:34..
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