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Old August 9th, 2016, 16:04   #13
Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: Canada
Thanks again

Originally Posted by Syndakit View Post
I would suggest the hop off mod from Toby in the group over ID's, as it is half the price, and has a flat nub on it, which would be better for a flat hopped bucking. (ID's is rounded)

Keep in mind though, none of these will yield better results than tapping the hop up hole. People have been trying and trying, and no drop in unit performs as well as tapping does. So if you're about the most performance you can get, go that route. But I can understand if you don't want to permanently modify you gun.

Best of luck!
For sure, and yes, I am a bit hesitant on modding the rifle. I have read however, that they can (the unit itself) be sanded down instead. Also read a post on his (Toby's) page that said no modding had to be done for the new ones--although I'm not sure if he meant to the rifle versus the actual unit, sent him an email.

I have heard the ID units are very smooth and very easy to fine tune, which is a plus. We'll see, might go the Toby route first and see what I can do!

Thanks again for your help!

Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
YEAH that's the mod I was thinking of lol
Yes sir, many thanks again! Sent an email off to him to see if the new ones are mod free. I'll post back when I know.
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