That IS with a flat trajectory. If I adjust the hop to put a hump in the path, it's closer to 280-300ft. BUT, in 10yrs, it seems every damn time I put a hump in the path, I need to hit someone right where the damn hump is, so I leave it at that flat to gentle sloping down trajectory.
Max range is subjective, but (unofficially) it's basically the furthest distance your BB can go while still aiming AT your target. So you can increase your range by increasing hop and putting a hump in the path, but I don't like to count that since you're now not able to engage a prone target at whatever range your hump is at.
It also depends on elevation, either by arcing BBs or just being higher than your target. Now my max/effective range is 260ft, BUT I've also hit someone at 350ft before by having a 100ft advantage in elevation. Mind you I was also aiming a good 40ft above their head! So I agree that doesn't count as a max range in normal circumstances.
Effective range is where you can hit a target consistently with every shot if your gun was in a vice. Human target is around 20" grouping, so once you're over that, it's beyond your effective range.
Now your effective range should ideally also be your maximum range. But some guns shoot further than they can hit. Easiest way to simulate this is by using .20s. They might fly 200ft, but they might have a 5ft grouping when they get there.
But yeah, 200ft is very poor range for .30s at 2j. You should easily be in the 300ft+ range with that. So clearly, you need a hop upgrade!
Last edited by ThunderCactus; August 7th, 2016 at 22:02..