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Old August 1st, 2016, 15:39   #5
e-luder's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Centre Mass
The Hi capa stainless is just the like the Silver Deagle they sell. It's just plastic made to look like it has a "Stainless" finish. Tje slide is not actually metal but plastic. They first did this to their P226 line.

Anyways, The Hi-capa is a good choice, IMHO.

Im not going to regurtate what Ricochet said. it's pretty much spot on.

I will say this though.
Your group really need to travel to the mainland for Age verification.
I know your group has stated that the cost may be high to cross but its definitely beneficial for you guys in the long run.

Guns in our classifieds is much cheaper than Retail. Plus most are packaged deals. $300 can get you an upgraded Pistol with a couple mags, example.

Plus AEGs galore in there!!!
"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men."
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