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Old July 15th, 2016, 15:21   #3
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Nowhere near you, B.C.
yup i orderer three guns and some other stuff from badlands because toronto didnt have one of em...still ordered the lube and cyclone from toronto and if i had known that dadlands wasnt shipping the next day i would have never placed the order, and woulda paid toronto cause they had the better 2 of the 3 i was after...i even called them bfor letting them charg 850 to my visa....rrrrrrg not saying that NOBODY SHOULD SUPPORT BADLANDS or REPLICA just cause i fucking hate them just saying that they fuck up to much for me to repeat and if you try just remember replica doesnt have 85% of the G&G stock they claim to have so who cares if they are 60$ from a airsoft site not a pelletgun site....its worth the xtra$ to get good/prompt online service
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