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Old July 14th, 2016, 18:25   #12
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Join Date: Feb 2007
That's not red loctite, it's a form of lightweight red GLUE. It's light to break and has no creep strength.
Get the PROPER size phillips screw driver, push down really hard on the screw head, and just give it a quick hard turn to break it loose.

If it were red loctite; 1) you'd shear the head of the bolt right off before ever getting those threads to move, 2) there would be significant creep resistance if you did manage to break the bond, and 3) there would be dozens of threads asking about people stripping screws on marui VSR's lol
Those screws will strip, since they're non-ferrous, but only in tightening. So don't tighten them like a gorilla and you won't have any issues.

Come on guys. Red loctite? On a marui? Systema doesn't even use loctite.
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