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Old July 10th, 2016, 23:23   #1
Join Date: Jun 2016
Dan wesson Ammo and speed loader

just got a 2.5" Dan Wesson new...was only $158 Cad after taxes & Shipping im assuming it comes with the 6 shells & speed loader thing, the vendor was pretty vague but was clear that its unopened and new...does any one know if the speed loader is to load the bbs into the shells quickly? or is it to load the shells into the revolver quickly?
Its more of a cheap show piece, i mean I didnt really get it to use as a secondary, but am curious if anyone here DOES sport 6-shooters as side arms/secondary weapons in games? i have a full-auto carbine so the 6 shot capacity shouldnt matter too much, hopefully? usually when i play with a side arm its my friends desert eagle and i rarely fire it for more than 10 shots at a time..(the rifle's for that kinda shooting). also since there is no hop up on those dan wessons i wanted to ask what kinda BB ppl use with them..?
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