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Old July 5th, 2016, 16:53   #988
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Centre Mass
Originally Posted by Fritz View Post
Thank you for your help!

I want a good precision sidearm. That's why I'm ready to invest as much as needed!
Unfortunately, I didn't find any pistol/gun smith as of now but I'm still looking.

For the store, could you send me a link please? At the moment, I need to order from a lot of different stores...

Finally, for the inner barrel, I'm looking at 6.01 diameter. I saw on other forums that the maple leaf ones are good. Have you tried them?
Yup I've used those Maple Leaf Barrels.
I have one installed in this monster:

There are two types of these barrels:

1). The Normal TBB - This is just a normal tightbore barrel. There's really nothing special about them. They work but a PDI Stainless or a TK Twist barrel is much more preferred, for my taste.

2). The Second, Newer Version, the "Crazy Jet" barrel - It's supposed to "focus" airflow after the BB exits the barrel thereby creating a more focused and more precised flight trajectory guidance when the BB exits the barrel.

To be quite honest, this is fairly useless as there may be external factors like wind that affects the projectile's flight path. If this barrel is to be used indoors for short distances like in shooting competitions, it's pretty much useless. As I stated, the stock barrel will suffice for short distances.

My Testing showed no real difference when I compared this to a PDI Stainless barrel.

The bore of the barrel will have very little to do with your point of impact vs your point of aim. It's all situational. You don't really need a crazy bore on your barrel. The easiest way to increase your "precision" is to increase the weight of your BBs. .25s do well. It's a simple and cheap "upgrade".

An 01 barrel doesn't really hold any advantages over an 03, from my exp.
They have a higher chance of fouling up and jamming your BBs. The jams are rare in most instances because the barrel length is not as long as an AEG or Rifle barrel but it happens once in a while. Over long term, it's easier to maintain a wider bore barrel.

Only thing was that I saw a few FPS increases but not by alot.

The last thing to mention is that the Maple Leaf barrels are brass. I prefer stainless steel because of their smoother finish....

I dunno. I'm sure people will disagree with me over the barrel bores. I mean you can try both and see what you like best. But in general, I just don't see a good advantage to an 01 barrel (...but i keep buying them <sigh>)....
"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men."

Last edited by e-luder; July 5th, 2016 at 17:04..
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