Originally Posted by Fritz
I read your thread on Glocks. I have a TM G17. The full Guarder enhanced kit seems interesting. I would like your opinion. Also, do you have a favorite store for upgrade parts? I want to upgrade my G17 properly and I'd like buy parts that fits at the first try since I'm not an expert. By any chance, do you know a place I can buy a full upgraded new Marui G17?
It depends how much you want to put on your gun.
A favorite store of mine is the one that has everything in one place and doesn;t require me to go to another store and pay another set of shipping rates.
What is your definition of a "Fully upgraded" Glock 17?
Because the best-est place for you to look is the classifieds. There are a few Glock 17s on there now that are so well priced with a fair amount of parts injected into them. No retail store will ever offer this kind of "finished" product. Unless you pay more for them to do it.
The other option is to contact a pistol/gun smith to put one together for you. Again, this is more costly than buying from the ASC Classifieds as you'll have to buy the parts and pay for labour fees. But the trade off is, you can potentially end up with a Glock that are specific to your needs.
At first the PGC slide seems interesting, but they stopped manufacturing it I think. Is there a place I can find the kit or does Guarder upgrade there slide so I don't have to modify it.
The PGC SLide is still around.
I'll PM you the link.
Guarder products are give and take in terms of fit. It's hard to know if they will be good or not until you receive and try to fit them in.
But to be fair, it's very rare to find parts that fit 100% correctly. In most cases, you will need to modify something someplace at some point.
This is the kit that I think I will buy based on your post:
1- PGC slide (black) (will try or I'll go with Guarder. I want an easy fit)
2- PGC outer barrel (will try or I'll go with Guarder. I want an easy fit)
3- Detonator sights
4- Guarder steel magazine catch
5- GunsModify slide catch
6- Guarder frame
7- Guarder 150% recoil spring and guide
8- Guarder hammer spring
9- For the inner barrel, I really don't know.. Do you have suggestions?
10- For the floating valves, any suggestions that fits easily?
11- Airsoft Surgeon Enhanced Muzzle set
12- Nine-ball Hop-up rubber
13- AIP TM Glock 17 BBU Housing
What do you think of these upgrades?
1 & 2). The PGC Kit will fit nicer than a Guarder will, in my opinion. The PGC Kit will come with an outerbarrel while the majority of the Guarder slides will not. This is part of the trouble when buying these Guarder products. The outerbarrel that you end up buying may not be a good fit for the Guarder slide.
3). you shouldn't have any issues with these putting them in. However, the glow in the dark ones are not too great. They don't hold a charge for very long.
4). Again, I see no issues with you buying these
5). Ditto. It's pretty straight forward installation. But do you really need it?
6). The frame. You may want to make your modifications to re-inforce that front screw hole before dropping your internal parts in there. Yes they still break with prolonged use.
7). No Issues here. I mean...It's a recoil spring and guide. Just make sure you loctite the screw head that holds the spring in. It will unscrew as you use the gun more. Also, make sure the spring stopper thingy on the muzzle end is able to SMOOTHLY glide over the spring guide.
I'm even tempted to say that if you fit the slide in correctly, you won't need to uprate the recoil spring. Or at least not to that kind of strength. I usually run the stock spring and guide on my Marui Glocks that have metal slides and the action is always nice and crisp enough and still able to strip a round off the mag.
8). The hammer spring. Get a Shooters Design one.
9). Inner barrels are your preference which depends on what you intend to use the gun for. But usually, for close combat, the stock barrel is good enough.
10). Most Floating valves usually fit very well. The one that i use is the Firefly one. The new one that's made of Delrin(?).
11). So this kit is strong. But it does tend to fit a bit tightly over the piston head. So make sure you make your adjustments accordingly during installation.
If you want easier installation, buy the GunsModify one. That kit comes with it's own floating valve as well which is good.
12). Over the years these Nineball Purple Hop ups have been turning out crappily. They have been out in the market for years now and I believe the wear and tear on their molds is showing. some have excess plastic hanging inside, for example.
You can get a better one, like a maple leaf one or something or an A+.
But as a general thought, buckings and inner barrels don't really need to be touched depending on what your going to use the gun for.
13). This is a lightweight blowback unit. It comes with an integrated piston head as well. The issue i always experience with this is their piston head seal. They're shit.
If your current blowback unit is not broken, don't replace it.
As a general note, if the parts you specified are not broken, I suggest you keep them in their original parts. Aside from the Slide and outerbarrel, I don't think you should replace anything inside unless they are in bad shape...