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Old July 3rd, 2016, 21:25   #14
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Nowhere near you, B.C.
Originally Posted by devbro View Post
How long is it that you have have been playing? For me, I only buy gears that are going to help my game style. If you are new, your style has not set in yet so take it slow.
If you are from toronto, I go to siege once in a while. you can borrow my TM hi-CAPA for a game or two to see if you like it.
no one in our group has a TM pistol yet, or any secondary/sidearm worth more then 220-250....(we are cheap, but none of us really started buying airsoft for skirmishes until this last summer, so we use lots of 1:1 replicas and they seem to last). EVEN THE BEST Pistols arent practical (or are yet for me) the way a finely tuned aeg is...
@wildbill; you can tell the guys in our group who were buying gear before there were enough of us to go skirmish properly on your property (side from the time jeff brought the glock to the paintball game to scare us)...but at first people just bought em for realism but the guys who invested after the skirmishing started regularly only have AEGs...look at my uzi...i bought it thinking i could make it practical with spare mags but since my three mags hold a totall of 120 rnds and most Co2carts only last 1.5-2 mags i am pulling out the hex key too much, while using the AEG is simply means spinning the wheel under the mag that holds 450..much better device for full auto
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