Originally Posted by Zeroroaster
I'm steadily and consistently tagging at 90 yards and have no doubt I can top 100 with a little more science. No, it's hardly instant, and there isn't a stock part left in that gun (except for externals and the trigger), but for me it's a lot of the fun!
Same goes for a revolver. Yeah, I'm a sucker for punishment...sniper rifle and a revolver. Hehehe. Don't worry, there's days I take out the finely tuned G36 based DMR and tweaked out M1911A just to feel competitive, but when you get a really sweet shot from almost 300 feet or can tag a guy on full run with revolver, well, that's a huge rush too.
100 yards!! thats crazy..i dont even think my shots ever go that far..except the kwc uzi...but i have horrible depth perception (try to imagine my guns on a football field helps tho)
WildBill needs solid boots...i've honnestly seen that hippy play barefoot, lol