The BUYING experience; value to cash to FUN ratio
Im going to be purchasing my next gun soon, ohh the excitement, but as i look around i always feel like i can get more for my money when buying an AEG rifle then a gbb pistol...i'v thought about the hi-capas but im worried i wont like the bottom of handle how it sticks out....never held one any rate i feel like if i invest into a new solid secondary pistol a hi capa/glock/1911 from a good company like WE or TM....but then im spending 300...on my secondary weapon....sure itll be upgradable and will be durable and repairable, but i dont need a new practicle secondary so i wonder if ill have more fun with something less practical but more fun and cool like a fat revolver, sniper rifle or grenade launcher for my primary or even a nice gas shotgun (whats the point of a gas gun that isnt semiauto? are gas shotguns that you have to pump b4 each shot just way more powerful/durable then spring pump action ones?)... so many desicions...i almost feel like i could get a launcher & gas powered revolver for about 380-440ish rather than the new 1911/hi-capa/glock for around 300...whereas when i look into buying the fun looking shotguns and long range/super accurate sniperrifles i feel like 450-500 is where ill get my monies worth....yet a reliable AEG will only set me back 250 (but i dont need a new primary AEG...well maybe a MPsomething to go next to the m16 i use for a primary)....i feel like ppl r gunna tell me to stay focused on the new glock or 1911 and that the other stuff is just gimmick attraction but im curious...i only ever buy new from canadian web retailers