Originally Posted by Ricochet
I'm assuming your gun was seized within the US? Canada does not have an orange tip/rule law. ...As per many of your prior posts I'm getting the feeling you do not like police, or you're not fond of them? Not to mention you are extremely opinionated, which isn't always a bad thing, but as a newer member you are stepping into an arena with an old community and it's getting stronger by the day. We haven't always had it easy with government and law enforcement, but in a democratic society setups ally give them their power, and if it wasn't for government/authority, airsoft would've remained dead in Canada (opinions vary).
i just had a real bad experience with one rcmp officer who took a 600 gun before i even got to use it

(quite recently, ill get over it)...i do have family in law enforcement so i try my best not to stereo type all cops, but i didnt no that the Orange tip rule was only in the U.S. ...the rcmp didnt know what either apparently