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Old June 27th, 2016, 23:54   #4
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Nowhere near you, B.C.
People really swear by TM...can you say from experience and recommend those two guns? if TM is that durable it may be worth the extra 200 to have one that i know lasted others a life they have any pistols that take a universal they can have a one mag fits all?

in addition to airsoft i also DJ as a hobby...i own a pair of Technics1200 mk2 turntables...i bought them used knowing that they would last me a lifetime because thats just what they do...drop one down a flight of stairs and it may have a dent but still turns records like the day it came off the line.....Im looking for the tech12 of airsoft a washer or dryer from the late 50s early 60s that runs better then the one built yesterday...
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