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Old June 27th, 2016, 16:31   #8
2 Cent Tactical
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: NB
Originally Posted by Schock View Post
Unfortunately we have to deal with getting sneered at for being cheap or not tacticool enough!
Its not really about being cheap or not tactical enough.

Nobody is going to be running what the real guys run on the field, you simply can't get those radios. So its NEVER about being tactical enough.

Even the radios just recommended (which are great recommendations for our use) are pretty cheap for HHTs, so its definitely not a 'being cheap' thing either. If somebody try's to say it is, they need to see some of the setups me and the guys I play with run... we are kinda comms geeks though.

Blisterpack radios simple SUCK, for so, SO many reasons. They serve a purpose, and they preform that purpose well, its unfortunate that the advertised purpose VASTLY oversells them though. Its also unfortunate that their purpose is mostly incompatible with our needs at milsim type games.

Grab yourself some of the recommended radios of your choice and get some high quality headsets/PA Mic+Earbud and you will be good to go.

Originally Posted by Schock View Post
I agree that it is annoying to listen to all the wannabee radio operators clogging the airwaves. The most annoying thing were the guys accidentally pushing and holding their talk buttons. One such offender had a fancy setup with a big aerial and handset. Just because you spend the money doesn't mean you know what you are doing!
Unfortunately, that happens.
When you have the opportunity to make your way to some bigger, more organized games you will find that normally the only radio chatter is limited to SL/PL/Commanders, and normally these are guys who were selected because they know what they are doing.

Welcome to the hobby, if you have more questions feel free to ask.

Last edited by Cobrajr122; June 27th, 2016 at 16:40..
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