Originally Posted by daishi
Not sure why anyone would pick up a 30-40 dollar pair of "radios" and think they would be good for comms..... cheaping out in airsoft is exactly like cheaping out in the rest of life. Except this time you annoy the fuck out of all the other players with open mics (I love listening to you breath) and cut/staticy/or otherwise garbled messages.
Actually, we already had the radios because we use them on our boat to communicate between the tender and the mother ship. They work just fine for that purpose. You can hear and understand just fine as long as you are in range.
We were mostly using them to monitor chatter. I agree that it is annoying to listen to all the wannabee radio operators clogging the airwaves. The most annoying thing were the guys accidentally pushing and holding their talk buttons. One such offender had a fancy setup with a big aerial and handset. Just because you spend the money doesn't mean you know what you are doing!
I'm willing to bet most of the guys out there with fancy radios have no training on how to use them, and even fewer have radio operators licences. I have both.