Floss seals the rubber in place
Teflon tape pressures it into a seal once you insert it into the hop chamber
Same effect, different method.
Green gas is mostly overkill. Grossly overpriced for no advantage.
It really is only 3 or 4 orings you need to lube, and you only need to lube them every 500 shots or so. They REALLY dont need constant lubrication.
My ksc usp compact is at least 6 years old, lubed it maybe 4 times. Works just fine. Replaced all the seals in it last year, gained a whopping 10fps. Run on propane in summer and MAP in winter. Only thing to break on the gun was the mags started leaking cause I left a full load of MAP in them at 5 degrees and let them warm up to room temp. Overpressure.