Thread: GBBR Upgrades?
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Old June 16th, 2016, 03:02   #8
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: BC
Originally Posted by Floreos View Post
Teflon tape doesnt work aswell as toothfloss. Teflon tape works better on things like threads where its shoved into a tight space. Toothfloss will act kind of like a hose clamp in an engine.

Again not saying it doesnt work. Its just better for this specific application.

I dont really know why youre giving this white litheum advice. Its a inferior lube especially for a bolt carrier application. Slickoleum is 18 bucks for 10oz it will last arguably for the rest of anyones airsoft career if they use it every single time they play with it and easily available in Canada where as super lube is hard to get your hands on.

Sure you can use green gas. But know it WILL affect your shot consistency. You're putting lube down the barrel to keep the 1 o-ring that moves lubed. And it's more expensive so I don't see the point.
So you prefer to wrap the floss around the inner barrel and hop up for a better seal? I guess that would work. Why is Lithium grease inferior? Home Hardwear sells Super-Lube. Yes, Green Gas is more expensive, and propane is a cost efficient option. The objective of Green Gas is a to lube all the seals in the gas system. "You can do it manually however."
And I can see it effecting accuracy, especially if you over oil and the hop up bucking absorbs it.
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