Airsoft start off as HPA/CO2 systems, then TM invented the AEG to fix the player bases concerns about the noise levels (as back in the 80's/early 90's) air based guns were noisy as all fuck, plus tanks were small and stealth was what people were looking for.
So basically the entire sport "converted" to AEG platforms. HPA is not new technology or a bane of anything, but as with everything since they first started out advancements have been made to make them quiet and more efficient. Along with this more efficiency a side effect is that those players who will, have abused some of the functions and either gone into total asshat mode with high fps and rates of fire, that take away from the base fun of this sport.
Those who still honour the base rules, and do not attempt to exceed the "limits" set in place, and go for the efficiency and accuracy show that the new HPA systems are quite nice and fun to play with. But it is always the asshats who ruin it for everyone, and they breed like jackrabbits.
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