As a long time player (well over a decade) I typically put performance over everything and yes that includes looking cool, or realism. I fully appreciate the polarstar or similar, abilities to enhance trigger response and give consistent fire, in that regard they are one of the top systems, but the hose and tank, as well as the joule creep issues really ruin it for me. That's like designing a really nice sports car, that can go with the best of them, but it runs on children's blood. Personally I don't care about its FPS and ROF capabilities, it isn't the only platform that can have these switched easily, albeit it may be the easiest overall. Field rules should take care of this and it's all of our responsibility to catch cheaters and play with sportsmanship, also the fields for rule enforcement, which is a different issue. One of the reasons polarstar a seem to perform so well is joule-creep, which is the main reason they are being banned all over, because it's easier to do that than spend the time learning and enforcing new rules. It's the owners responsibility to have your gun within joule limits all day, no matter how hot it is or what weight you're using. My gun, like most, chronos under in the morning, only changes 1-3 FPS all day because of heat, and at any time can run any BB weight and be under. As long as your polarstar, or whatever, can be chrono'd with any weight and come in within the limits, then go nuts, but to get that snap and performance, you don't need a polarstar.
If a polarstar on the field is running ridiculously well compared to every gun on the field, get it chrono'd on different weights to make sure it isn't running a creep over the joule limit at all. Some polarstars actually go up in FPS as weight goes up. The guy running it should be able to borrow mags or ammo from his teammate on the fly without the risk of going over the limits before that gun can be fielded. Same goes for all platforms.
At the end of the day, some guns/setups will perform better than others, but all guns must be held to the same safety and sportsmanship standards. That's the only way to do it.
Although I'm sure we'll see a bump in polarstar style guns being used, a hose and tank setup will never be the future of airsoft, because for most, that's anti-thewholepoint.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
Last edited by Ricochet; June 6th, 2016 at 13:50..