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Old May 4th, 2016, 10:41   #7
Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Southern Ontario
Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
I've owned two L96 rifles, one was a top end gas rifle and the other a top end spring rifle, both upgraded fully. Both ended up "meh", and not enjoyable to field really. Yes they look better, but performance over aesthetics every time. That being said, some rifles have aftermarket stocks you can buy to change the look a bit, or custom made work is also a thing.
Were they a bit big/long to work with? Or just the internals not that great?
I was under the impression that at least the TM L96 ran the same internals (or similar) as the VSR-10, so it was mainly a shell difference.

Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
1911 guns are quite slim.

Big: Desert Eagle, MK23 Socom, FN 5/7

Medium: USP, P226, PX4, M9

Small: 1911, PPK, most compacts
Surprised the 5/7 is big, I thought the cartridge is supposed to be small? unless the round capacity in the real thing is huge.

I've seen that the 1911 is slimmer due to the single stack, but side profiles are larger. I think that's what throws it off for me.

I've seen your posts a few times in the Sig P226 threads where you say the TM P226 is the P226, opinions on the E2 version? Supposed to have updated the pistol with things they learned from the P226 design, but I lost the video reference...

Originally Posted by Red Dot View Post
Honestly best thing is to play quite a few games and feel a few guns on the field. I have yet to see a player not lend another player their rifle prior to a game starting... honestly in a couple of walk-in days hopefully you get to try a little bit of everything and that will help immensely in narrowing down options.

I always recommend an AEG rifle to start, especially something in the AR15 (M4 etc) realm for several reasons. Everyone has or did own one, the version 2 gearbox arguably has the most parts available and magazines will be plentiful in games (run out of ammo? np buddy will toss you his mag to keep you in the game). Also electric is way cheaper to get into than gas.

That will more then get your feet wet in the hobby and allow you to see what other creations you want to add to your arsenal as time ticks on. I started with a gun 2 years ago now I have 7.... :/
That's a very different mentality I think from paintball, most people don't lend. I should be headed to a field with my uncle next week, so I'll see how it goes from there!

I can see why AEG is way cheaper than gas (I shoot 12g CO2 in paintball afterall), but I'm doing a bit of research on the electrics on those first. MOSFETs, power systems, motors, gearboxes....

Thanks guys!
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