Originally Posted by amano999
I find mine don't always discharge all the bbs as well, but they usually shoot out 80 percent of them at least. Do you find the cdn tire BB's that much cheaper? last time the price was kinda high per bb compared to the cheaper 0.20g stuff. I been using the Infinity stuff that TA sells and they work fine in the cyclones.
Anyone have a solution for the Spoon and Pin? I don't like to throw mine with the spoon, because its easy to lose and the material doesn't seem as durable. The pin is just not a quick pull if you need to nade someone in a rush either.
Thanks! Will try those next, did not know of TA selling Crapken bbs for cheaper then Walmart/C-Tire .12/.20 ones (about 18-20 tax in @_@)
I only assumed .12 would disperse better because they are technically "lighter" but, really anyone in the area going to call out regardless.
No solution, think arnies MAY have something on there... but i always remove mine, and leave it in the grenade pouch live, lol, no problems yet at siege running around.