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Old April 29th, 2016, 03:02   #1
Kungpow's Avatar
Join Date: May 2013
Location: BC
Five Ten Valor Boots Update. (5.10/Great boots. Cheap!)

So its been a year since bunch of people had purchased the Five Ten Valor Boots. What is your general opinion of the boots? Have they been reliable? What issues have you found?

The Bad?
The issue with my boots is partially my fault, but I got the boots too close to a camp fire, and over time the out soles have started to slowly delaminate. However, I have noticed the lack of glue on the outer sole of the boots.
For jungle style boots they seem to dry slowly. (My Belleville 630 ST dry faster)

The Good:
The insole forms well to my foot but lacks any sort of cushioning.
I have added some Vibram insoles to the boots and they feel like I am walking on a tempurpedic mattress. Overall they have been super comfy and super gripy. One of my friends raised his eyebrow when I said they were 5.10s.
(He mountain bikes)

Other Notes:
No speed lacing system (No big deal, not really a standard in boots.)
Lack of ankle protection (They are more of a running shoe style/feel)
Moderately light boots (Pretty light boots in comparision)
Drain Grommets (Jungle Boot)

(!!!But for only $39? You cannot go wrong with these boots!!!)
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