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Old April 27th, 2016, 20:54   #15
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
Rich kids? lol

Most of the guys I know with high end gear worked their butts off for it and allocated more personal budget than others. Skill and team work will always be the best tool, but I've never seen a sport/game where technology has such a deep effect. One thermal imager on the field can drastically alter a teams advantages, and you what? I dig it. Bring it on, raise the bar, tear up the competition, go ahead. Like minded players always stick together. Give another team a bevy of humvees, with platoons of NV wearing, thermal rocking goodness and I'll return the next year with an EMP. I'm partially kidding of course. I'm sure some limits will always be set, but if you can afford it, find it, use it effectively, all the power to you, because I definately will if I can. I've been outgunned at night with no NVs, when it seemed everyone on the other team had something, and we still won. I love the technological potentials in airsoft.

As for milsim, it's rarely very milsim at all. I like the simulation side as an balancing point, but the tactically competitive nature is where it's at. If you're not going through motions of doing military action (patrols, etc), then it isn't very realistic. Leave the storylines and role playing out of it, we don't need to know why. Layout the scenario guidelines and how to win, i.e. hostages, infiltration, etc, throw a bunch of teams into the mix and let them battle it out. Realism for balance and dynamic, but without the fluff, winning or competition will always be the end focus, so unless you want to reinact, come to kickass, not to pretend you're a soldier.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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