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Old April 19th, 2016, 12:36   #1
SuperCriollo's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Kitchener, ON
Full Pencott Loadout

Being a total gear noob, I humbly come before you, the second line kit gurus, hoping to attain some wisdom.

Here is my story..

So after 7 years of airsofting and shamefully neglecting my gear in favor of shinny and sexy guns, I'm now looking to upgrade my 50$ condor chest rig and 8 year old set of Rothco woodland bdus.

I've always liked the pencott pattern, and until recently its been prohibitively expensive. I'm still unsure on whenever to go with greenzone or badlands. Badlands seems a bit more versatile, as it would work great in the fall and in pine forests. However, it would be extremely annoyed not being able to use it at a big milsim due to color restrictions.

Key Facts:

Budget: 500 to 700 cad

Gear Required (all in pencott) :

1. Chest rig or plate carrier (something small, since im around 168cm)
2. Combat pants pants with integrated knee-pads (those who know me have seen my DIY kneepads lol)
3. Shirt, unsure if I want a combat shirt or a traditional top (elbow pads an asset).

Gear wanted if possible (hopefully in pencott too):

1. combat belt for mags and stuff
2. Hydro carrier

So far, Ive only found two manufacturers within my budget, and not located in europe. Rasputin from ebairsoft and UR tactical.


Rigs (roughly same price):

UR tactical OPS


Rasputing JPC 2 knock off (heard its good quality)


UR tactical OPS


Rasputin G3 copies

The only top ive found is this one, also from rasputin:

Any insight would be appreciated !

Thanks !!!!


Last edited by SuperCriollo; April 19th, 2016 at 12:41..
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