Old blaster, back from my CSOR-reenacting days. Some minor inaccuracies like wrong markings (couldn't be assed to engrave proper ones, was too busy actually playing with the thing) and no ambi controls (real hassle to get right in airsoft for zero actual benefit).
g&p m4a1 base
vltor oldgen imod stock*
cqd rear sling swivel*
ergo grip*
arms buis*
g&p ras (later replaced by real kac)
guarder vfg (later replaced by real kac)
invisiblesight an/peq-15* (back in the day when it was the only option to get a decent working IR laser)
ops silencer* (closest looking replica of a proper SEI sound moderator)
bfg rail sling loop
bfg vcas sling