Won't expect you guys have any idea how we play with HPA 20 years ago back in HK, and also have any clue that AEG was invented to take over HPA's place, the way how people praise HPA is just like bring a dead body back to life from its grave with rotten meat hanging on it's arms and dress it up with nice fancy suits and perfume and call it Saint . talk about realistic, if realistic is not a major factor then maybe one should try something else instead of playing airsoft. I have real steels and I play airsoft, most of time I play airsoft because it's the most realistic thing next to my RS, and It doesn't give off a big bang, it doesn't come close to a real AR's recoil, and better, no empty shells ejecting so it won't annoying my neighbor and call 911 on me.
this is the end of my input on this topic.