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Old March 6th, 2016, 16:04   #5
"I like syrup on my blue waffles." #diseasedvagina
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
I'm not sure I understand the OP's question properly: do you want/need actual noise attenuation or are you worried that the repros, worn for airsoft, will make hearing difficult?

If you're looking for actual hearing protection, as Kungpow stated, the repros aren't sufficient. They have no actual NRR.

If you're worried about them affecting normal hearing while airsofting, yes, they do: they'll muffle ambient sound (like wearing headphones with no music on). With the ambient sound microphones on, you'll get varying degrees of audio picked up by low quality microphones and varying degrees of gain played back over the relatively cheap sounding speakers. I mean, if you're curious, record ambient sound with your cellphone and listen to it with headphones on. It works but doesnt sound natural.
I'm looking for a headset that will allow me to hear my teammates that don't use comms and will not make my ears explode if a loud noise happens nearby or a BB hits it.
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