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Old February 28th, 2016, 18:03   #4
Join Date: Feb 2016
Originally Posted by scottyfox View Post
But the absolute critical point to keep in mind that Travis mentioned at the start: perils of backyard shooting. NEVER brandish your airsoft guns within public view. This includes in a private backyard where ANYONE can see you. I don't know about your setting, maybe you live on an acreage or something where your neighbour will ever see you. Also, check with your local bylaws on if the discharge of airsoft guns is permitted within your town or city, if you let us know what municipality you live in on here, folks may be able to help you out in this regard. In general, best to set up a range in your house or garage where you can practice manipulation.
Got that part covered. Any thoughts on a good 1911 or the FNX45? What's a good 1911 (not a spring gun, need semi auto), or is that FNX45 any good? They function exactly like the real ones?
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