I would avoid the skeleton arms like the plague!
That kjw 1911 is pretty good! I got the exact same one.
All ur TM compatible parts should fit. Some will need minor modification that's just how it goes.
After market tm hi capa slides should fit on those rails. There are minor differences in frames between the hicapa and 1911 on the TM. You will notice on the left side of the 1911 tm model the rail will be slightly thinner. The corresponding slide will have a 'slide bar' inside to mesh with the rails. On the hi capa there is no slide bar and the rails are thicker on both sides. This is what the kjw rails look like. They are thick on both sides and should mesh just fine with a hicapa slide.
Kjw is a clone so note that changing mainspring housings may be a bit loose or very tight. Mainspring housings I find to be the most 'wiggly' when in non tm guns but could just be a late model kjw mold and tolerances could be off so and so forth.
Long story short. All your tm parts should fit with minor fitting
EDIT: grips! the grips on the kjw are curved on the inside to allow for the c02. You will need to heavily modify tm grips to fit this curved part if you want the grip weights. If you don't care about grip weights you only need to slightly modify them
Last edited by apilar; February 20th, 2016 at 13:00..
Reason: missing info