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Old February 12th, 2016, 16:21   #3
White_Tiger117's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Burnaby,BC
Originally Posted by Curo View Post
Well WW2 airsoft is a growing community, and is definitely a cool thing. and they can always use more axis players.

WE makes both a luger and p38, id recommend one of those.

We cannot post links to retailer/or gun sites here as this section is not age verified. If you are 18+ I suggest you contact an Age Verifier about getting age verified, after that there is an age verified section we can share links to the airsoft guns you are looking for. And you can learn about importing airsoft guns.

Check out the World War 2 sections, lots of nice guys there and always willing to help out a new guy!

heres a link to the information center:

simply click your province and contact your near AV rep

Done and Done! Thanks! Ya I found a few but was told they leak or are junk guns @_@ (Also im 27 so this should be verified rather fast I hope lol!)

Once the Vare is done at least I can get some help finding a deal @_@ locally these guns are marked up through the roof and online I can't seem to figure out what is better or what P38\Luger is better. (Really people seem to hate the WE..........I was told to find a Maruzen? P38)
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