Originally Posted by EuroTrash
Alright I figure this is probably the best place on this website to ask this question.
I've been humming and hawing about what I want to purchase for my main weapon for almost a year now.
One of my major gun lusts in an MP5, although I don't have to explain why to you guys. The VFC MP5A3 looks ideal, the major draw for me being the C02 mags. I love having the option to use C02 and from what I've gathered these things seem to run a little sluggish on Green/Propane/Top gas.
However I see nothing but condemnation for these guns online, people seem to recommend going with the WE Apache. I understand that the first two generations of these guns were a little spotty in terms of quality.
If I was to buy a VFC MP5A3 brand new in 2016 how will it fare out of the box compared to the earlier generations? Do the new generations need a ton of upgrades out of the box?
Why is the WE Apache so heavily preferred by many online communities? Not really having a C02 mag option sidelines the gun for me.
I have no experience with the Apache, but I'm very happy with my VFC MP5. I have a V2, and I've put a few upgrade parts into it which have made the gun just that much better. No where near what some of the guys here have done but I digress...
Out of the box mine worked fine, a few nuances which the upgrades fixed, like wobbly mags.
My bolt head recently broke, but that's the only failure this gun has had in about 1.5 years of owning it. This weekend my sling by fluke somehow released dropping the gun onto concrete... The guns are solid, I just had to brush off some dust. The first batch of guns were lemons from what I've read but the V3's (what you'll likely get new) have a bunch of the problems corrected. There's a few parts you'll want to buy for longevity of the gbb but that's really it. Go for it, they are a blast to shoot.